
Metasequoia 4.5.6
Metasequoia 4.5.6

metasequoia 4.5.6

Both species share the annual growth habit, resupinate basidiomata and monomitic hyphal system with clamped, colorless generative hyphae, smooth, thin-walled basidiospores, but X.

metasequoia 4.5.6

xinpingensis, are proposed based on morphological and molecular evidences. Best example is MP Guard in “Area 51” who locks out first secret, if you won’t manage to kill him in time after he noticed you.ĪI_PATROL1 and AI_PATROL2 - Makes the enemy patrol specific path between AI_PATROL1 and AI_PATROL2 locations.Two new species, Xylodon bambusinus and X. After reaching second AI_AMBUSH point, enemy will switch to default behaviour. He will do that only if he spots Lara (hence the name). When Lara gets into his “viewing cone”, default entity behaviour is engaged - for example, MP guards will chase Lara and try to beat her.ĪI_AMBUSH - Makes the enemy run to a designated square by dropping an AI_AMBUSH object on the same sector with him, and another AI_AMBUSH on the sector where he should run to. Selectivity, however, such as using one for left foot forward and one for right foot forward.ĪI_GUARD - Makes the enemy stay on his current position and turn his head, looking left and right, with a 180 degree field of view - so his “viewing cone” is continuously changed, based on current look direction. Some bridge animations are chosen with a finer grain of Likewise, closing a door will make it use a closing-door bridge animation. Thus, a closed door will run a looped closed-doorĪnimation as long as its state stays “closed”, but when its state becomes “open”, it will change to an opening-door bridge animation, which will end in a These bridge animations then lead to the animation with the appropriate state. The alternative used in the Tomb Raider engine is for each animation to have bridge animations to other states' animations, which are selected using the ID of Used to select it however, state transitions might seem to require a large number of intermediate states (opening, closing, starting to jump, landing, etc.). Each animation has a state ID, which can be For example, locks have only one state (they just sit there), doors have two states (open andĬlosed), and Lara has numerous states, such as standing, walking, running, jumping, falling, being hurt, dying, etc. It can be in, and these states are used to select which animation. Which animations to use are not hardcoded instead, each entity has some states The animations for each mesh object are selected with some ingenious techniques. Specifying cold room (a room which produce damage on Lara).

metasequoia 4.5.6 metasequoia 4.5.6

Was re-used in NGLE as a flag specifyingīit 12 - Not found in any original TR levels, but when the P flag is set in the TRLE, this bit is set. Was re-used in NGLE as a flag specifying room with snow.īit 11 - Not found in any original TR levels, but when the D flag is set in the TRLE, this bit is set. When the flag is set for normal room and there is water room below it, game engineĬreates “reflection effect” above the water surface - effectively it means that all the vertices at the bottom of the room receive caustics effect describedīit 10 - unused. Of reflectivity typed by the user + 5 is put in the water_scheme byte). TRLE sets this bit when the R ( reflectivity) option is used (in the same time, the amount TRLE sets this bit when the M option is used (in the same time, theĭegree of fading intensity typed by the user is put in the water_scheme byte).īit 9 - The room has some water reflectivity. Lens flare from appearing in that room (in TRLE, checkbox which sets this flag is named NL).īit 8 - Creates caustics effect similar to that used in water rooms. In TR3, it means that room is filled with quicksand, while in TR4/5 it presumably blocks global A lot of rooms have this bit set but it seems it does nothing…īit 7 - Different meaning in TR3 and TR4/5. (particle type is specified by certain particle flag).īit 6 - Unknown. Beginning with TR3, some particle types are also be blown, if they end up in such room Else, if at least one visible room has this bit set, then the sky must be drawn because it is (could be) visible.īit 5 - Lara’s ponytail gets blown by the wind. Used to speed things up: if no rendered room has this bit set, then the sky can Virtual struct tr2_room // (variable length) īit 3 - Set if the skybox can be seen from this room.

Metasequoia 4.5.6